Saturday, December 16, 2006


The Christening of MoveAway.Net…

During the Mid-Summer months of 2005, I asked a friend of mine a simple question: “What ever happened to those Hollywood people who claimed that they would leave the country if George W. Bush were ever elected President?” My friend didn’t know the answer. I asked several people the same question…none knew the answer. A few close friends and I decided to do some research. Here’s what we found.

Several people “promised” or in the very least hinted that they would in fact, leave the country if Bush were ever elected President. Eddie Vedder, lead vocalist of Pearl Jam, was quoted by USA Today in August, 2000 as claiming that he would “[move] to a different country if [Bush] gets elected.” Later that same year, Alec Baldwin and his wife, Kim Basinger, decided to chime in on their own “threats” to leave the country. Kim Basinger was quoted in a German newspaper that her husband Alec would “make good on his threat” to leave the country and then she further stated that she would “probably have to go too.” Baldwin was quoted later as stating that he would “raise as much money as [he could] to make sure that this Bush winds up like the last Bush, a one-term President.” Hmmmmm. Next. Robert Altman, an American film director, was quoted as stating that he would “[move] to France, if George Bush is elected President.” At the time of his quote, he was directing the film Dr. T and the Women. I think that one went straight to B movie video. Similar promises were attributed to many other Hollywood types such as Barbra Streisand, Lynn Redgrave and Cher.

So, what happened to these ‘celebrities’? Apparently, every one of them still resides in the good ole’ U.S.A. Not one of them went through with the threat of not seeing them in our country anymore. Whew…close one.

After we did our research, we decided several things. First of all, there is a silent majority in this country that has been silent for way too long. We need to wake up our conservative friends and family members to speak up about topics that are important and close to our hearts such as abortion, freedom of religion…not from religion, taxes, government control, activist judges making law from the bench, and a myriad of other issues that are being addressed by the left everyday.

Next, we want to provide a haven for those of you who want to correspond with those who can help prepare you for the fight that is out there for our country. A few of the liberals of this country have done their homework and the rest are out in the streets making noise. We need to become educated and thus equipped to down their twisted ideologies in public forums. The sooner we stand together and accomplish this goal, the sooner we can stop allowing the minority in our country to rule our lives.

We also are going to provide links to all local, state, and federal government officials and leaders. You will also find their email addresses and form letters that you can copy, edit, and paste before you send them to your local, state, and federal officials. These tools will start to make these people wake and up and realize that we are not going away.

All of these sections of the website will be up and running very soon. We appreciate your patience while we work very hard to accomplish our own goals of making this information accessible to you and your friends and family.

Lastly, we want to issue a challenge to those on the far left who promised (not threatened) us all that they would leave the country if Bush were ever elected and/or re-elected. Our challenge to all of those wing-nuts:

MOVE AWAY!!!!!!!!!