Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Democrat's Creed: Hypocrisy knows NO bounds!!

Yet another chapter in the saga of what is the Democrat party!! The leaders of the Democrat party, Senator Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wrote an open letter to President Bush a few days ago expressing their ‘concern’ over the surge in troop deployment. Among many items, the letter is stating that deploying more troops will not contribute to success. The letter also states that we need a “renewed diplomatic strategy, both within the region and beyond.” All we’ve heard from the Democrats over the past several months is that Bush was sending the same old tired message of “stay the course.” While a portion of that may be true, what we’re getting from the Democrats is the same old tired Democrat ‘flip-flopping’. On December 17, 2006, Harry Reid was asked his thoughts on a surge in troop deployment to help ease tensions in Baghdad. His reaction: he would support a temporary increase in troops. Less than a month later, all of a sudden, he wants to withdraw troops, not add them. Another Democrat leader, Chairman of House Intelligence Committee Silvestre Reyes commented in December, 2006 that he wanted to see an increase in troop size of 20,000 to 30,000. Yet, he opposed the war in the beginning and was one of the rare few Democrats who voted against it in October, 2002. I suppose he got “heads” in 2002 and “tales” in 2006.

Then there’s the most famous or rather, infamous, ‘flip-flopper’ of them all, John Kerry. In 2004, Kerry campaigned on the premise that we needed to increase the troop presence in Iraq by 40,000. After the recent announcement of sending more troops to Iraq, Kerry commented that Bush’s move was a “pragmatic step needed to deal with the warnings of a broken military”, but also noted that he opposed increasing troops in Iraq. He contradicted himself in the same sentence!! It’s not the first time. The Democrats, in 2006, ran on the slogan “End the War! Get out of Iraq!” and won by a narrow margin with majorities both in the House and the Senate. Shortly after the victory, all of a sudden they were taking steps that would lead one to believe they wanted a troop surge including but not limited to Harry Reid’s comments. Then, in January, 2006, the wind changed direction and they decide that it is indeed time to cut and run. Well, which is it you ask? I have no idea. Who knows what direction they will want to go next?

My greater point through all of this is that one person has stood by his initial decision, which was to go to war with Iraq and win. As I seem to mention on a daily basis to friends, everyone keeps talking about winning or losing the war but refuses to recall that we’ve already won. We went into Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and help rescue the people from a brutal dictatorship that has lasted three decades resulting in thousands of innocent deaths. Did we succeed in that mission? We also entered Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein because he had proven in the past to be a threat not only in the region, but also in the world? Did we succeed in that regard? That would be a big YES to both of those questions. In fact, not only did we remove Saddam Hussein, we insured that he would never be able to do direct harm again. Do we have some instability in the New Iraq? Yes and the troops are doing what they can to maintain civility while training the New Iraqi forces. It’s a tough road, but we have to continue to fight. If we cut and run as the Democrats put it (presently), we will be dishonoring the sacrifice that our military and their families have made since the start of this war. In addition, we will empower a group of terrorists by allowing them to believe that we are weak and can be defeated. And terrorists aren’t the only ones watching; the whole world is watching to see the extent of the United States’ resolve.

How do we win the fight against instability in Iraq in addition to the overall war on terror? I have some ideas. Check out next week’s blog titled “How to prevent a Hornet attack?”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it!! Speaking of hypocrisy. Check out this link: It's Hillary Clinton back in 2003 talking about how we need to go in and get Saddam. Listen closely to the whole thing. Now, she's essentially stating that she shouldn't have cast her vote to go to war at all. What a piece!