Monday, April 16, 2007

The ‘Convenient Truth’ About Global Warming

“Congressional meetings on global warming were scheduled to take place this morning, but have been cancelled……due to an ice storm.” That was what I overheard on a news channel that my wife was listening to yesterday morning. I laughed hysterically. How ironic that an ice storm would pin a bunch of liberals at home when they were getting ready to rant and rave about how “science” and Al Gore have proven that we are doomed. I decided to do a little research and find out what we DON’T hear on the news everyday about ‘global warming’ or the more politically correct term for 2007: “climate change.” Here are just a few of the facts that I uncovered.

Gore cites that a vast majority of scientists, who incidentally worked with him on his film, have proven that human emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) are causing significant global climate change. He also points to the fact that there exists a very small aggregate of climate change skeptics who disagree, albeit, according to Gore, a VERY small minority of today’s top scientists. Well, here’s the ‘convenient’ truth about those ‘facts’. This majority of scientists are members of the industry, funded by liberal think-tanks, funded by liberal groups in government, or working in kind with lobbyists. In addition, only a small percentage of these ‘scientists’ actually work in the field of climatology. Among that small group, most of them study the ‘effects’ on a particular aspect of science. For example, there are many biologists who study the effects of climate change on insects or rodents. Of the true experts in the field, namely climatologists, nearly 9 out of 10 of them claim that global warming is not a man-made problem. In addition, a large majority of climatologists will readily state that global warming isn’t really even a factor or a problem at all.

Listed below are just a few of the facts that I uncovered during my limited research. It is rather difficult to find the true scientific data on this subject, because of the large political influence that has been exerted on scientists and the media in the U.S. It seems ‘alarm’ is essential to the maintenance of funding. Consider these points:

• The global mean temperature is never consistent, it either increases or decreases without choice; both of which it does on all known time scales.
• The estimated rise in temperature over the past century is approximately 0.6 degrees Celsius plus or minus 0.2 degrees Celsius. Half of which occurred before 1940. Before the major portion of industrialization.
• Given the above information, notwithstanding statistical measurement and the major source of CO2 (namely water vapor), man-made contribution to the climate is approximately less than 0.09% of a degree Celsius.
• The ‘educated guesses’ of larger warming are dependent on feedback mechanisms that are programmed by users into climate models. These feedback mechanisms are uncertain at best.
• The cumulative sign of the above feedback mechanisms is unknown. In other words, warming may be increased from atmospheric CO2 or, equally likely, might be decreased.
• Global mean temperature has been both rising and falling since atmospheric CO2 has been on the rise.
• In a warmer world, extra-tropical storminess would be reduced, as will variations in temperature.
• Recent changes in temperature fall within an acceptable variation considering the ice age and the history of sea surface temperature.
• There is no reason to believe that slightly lower temperatures are somehow preferable to slightly higher temperatures - there is no known "optimal" nor any known means of knowingly and predictably adjusting some sort of planetary thermostat…..DUH!!
• Anthropogenic (man-made) contributions to CO2 in the environment given as a liberal estimate are less than 1%.
• Icebergs melting? Arctic temperatures vary cyclically. The warmest years were recorded in the 1940s. Then the temperatures cooled again. They have been warming again, but have not reached the level of the 1940s.
• According to climatologists, the balance of icebergs forming vs. melting is still a positive one. More snow is accumulating than melting off.
• Several published papers and peer-reviewed journal articles claim there is an overall DECREASE in temperature in the Arctic Circle over the past 50 years.
• We will live in WATERWORLD!! Sea levels have been rising for thousands of years at a rate of about 8 inches per year. This average is the approximate measure of rise in the 20th century as well.
• According to many scientists, CO2 levels were about 10 times higher at around 450 million years ago. Incidentally, they also believe that this was the period known as that little thing called the ice age.
• The Seas are warming at an alarming rate!! Wrong. In fact, there is cooling in the NW Atlantic, massive areas of cooling are found in the North and South Pacific Ocean; the whole of the Amazon Valley; the north coast of South America and the Caribbean; the eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea, Caucasus and Red Sea; New Zealand and even the Ganges Valley in India. This makes an overall equaling of temperatures in large bodies of water throughout the world.
• Overall, data shows that temperatures in the U.S. have not been unusual over the past decade.
• Science proves that global warming is a FACT!! Wrong again. ‘Scientists’ that claim global warming is going to be the end of us base this finding on their use of scientific models NOT DATA. These models require that certain data be manually entered. Much of this entered data is based on speculative guesses such as the effect of man-made aerosol emissions.
• The problem-riddled Kyoto Protocol calls for a 30 % reduction in carbon dioxide emissions.
o Effect of the Kyoto Protocol on the environment: TOTAL human greenhouse contributions from CO2 decreased by approximately 0.035%.
o Effect of the Kyoto Protocol on the economies of the world: PRICELESS! Negligible results in the environment in exchange for a devastating effect on the U.S. and world economy.

Are you angry yet? You should be. The Al Gores of this world and their ilk have influenced an already biased media to pull the wool over your eyes. The fact that someone would claim the consensus of scientists around the world state global warming is a fact and a catastrophic one at that, is a contradiction to science itself. Consensus in an area among scientists leads the public to believe that science is a source of authority. Clearly, science is everything but an authority. Science is an approach to inquiry and analysis in order to develop theory. A consensus on global warming, which is multifaceted to say the least and thus more complicated than we can imagine, is absolutely unreasonable.

Once again, the public is duped by “science” and the bleeding hearts in this country. There inevitably exists a group of people that lead us away from the bigger and more important issues in our country such as...oh, I don’t know…terrorism, poverty, lack of education, the high cost of healthcare. Let’s ignore all of those problems and pay $10 to see a crappy movie made by someone who seems to have lost their mind. I shook hands with Al Gore once and at the time; I was reticent due to his being a former Vice-President. I was also in awe of the fact that, although I disagreed with most of his viewpoints, he was a part of American History. Now, I realize I was just shaking the hands of somebody who wants constant attention through any means; even if it means misleading the American public to get it.

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